Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shut Up!

Has it ever occur to you that what u just said is so ridiculous and everyone just stare at you like you're a fool?

Has it ever happened to you that at times you just speak too much that you just feel like stuffing yourself up and shut the fuck up, but your mouth just wont listen?

Have you ever experienced when you try to make something happen, and in the end, NOTHING happened and you just feel like staying back and lying low for like ever?

Have you ever feel like just abandoning everything and just float in the midst of the cotton candy clouds?

Have you ever wish that even if the clouds can't hold your weight someone will be there to hold you even if you fall?

Have you ever hope that for a moment, the sand in your hour glass will stop sliding?

I hope things turn back. but I already saw the end approaching.

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