then there were alot of other party-goers whom i've been clubbing with..
my 2 other Mambo goer! always feel safe ard them... like 2 bodyguards going to zouk w me! hehe..
but whatever it is.. nothing beats the company of the GIRLIES!! heh heh..
we started of with cheekys and later moved on to China black.. and who could have thought that we are still clubbing together aft 4 yrs!
here we are today... and our dearest charlottey is a barmaid.. never thought she would be in this line.. but she looks happy.. so im happy for her.. plus more "connections" hee.. *grins*
this is how we look now........
and this was then..............................................
............................... when we 1st started out to club! haha! this pic was taken 3 yrs ago... when we were still TEENagers..
n now at a blink of eyes, we are all ADULTS! *euwwee* sounds so scary! we are now of legal age to step into ANY clubs in Singapore !
no longer trying to befriend bouncers to get into clubs..
no longer sneaking in from the back door..
no onder using fake IDs.........
but something different is that nowadays, we've become more of an economical clubber.. always trying to take public transports to our destination. always looking out for parties that allow free entrance or eyeing on ladies night..