Monday, June 27, 2005

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Cool Dad!

i've got a Cool Dad. think about this, "how many people actually have a spontaneous father who is willing to go roller-blading with her on a weekday evening, at just a call away??" i love my daddy to bits!

#1 Cool Factor: my dad can roller blade!
#2 Cool Factor: my dad dont mind driving all the way to East Coast just to blade. cos they have better pavement for blading.
#3 Cool Factor: my dad is so SPONTANEOUS. it wasn't even pre-planned!
#4 Cool Factor: my dad blades WITH ME!!
#5 Cool Factor: my dad tries out all sort of weird stuns with me.. not just moving ur legs to move forward. we did backward, tried to do the crab thingy.

sometimes the best things in life arent the most expensive things.

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