Friday, June 02, 2006

Nothing is Really Something

i guess i really havent been updating for a long time...
What have i been doing??

yea... this is something that i guess many have wondered..
unknowingly, i have spent 6 weeks (well, i think more than that) doing NOTHING.
nothing productive... NOTHING!
it's pretty scary isnt it...

well, Nothing is really something...
ok.. i cant possibly be doing NOTHING in the past 6 weeks rite?
alright.. to make it sound less scary..

doing nothing includes reading, lazing, practicing piano, a little of packing, shopping, going swimming/ tanning, going to Pulau Ubin to cycle, going for movies, trying to make some dishes/ edible food, celebrating my birthday (hehehe), clubbing, etc..

see, nothing is really nothing...

want some pictures?? okie! ;)

thats me celebrating my bday on Singapore River.. followed by a madnight of PARTYING.. see the ABSOLUTE PEACH in the background? yea.. that caused someone to be sent back home.. hahahahaha.. im not saying who..

and doing nothing also includes doing up a Bean Bag! YIPPIE!! i've got a bean bag at home.. muaahhaha.. in the comfort of my own room... see how we are fighting with the styrofaom beans.. hah!

Shopping at Raffles City.. this House decor shop.. really like this picture.. it is named the Cocoon by the Great One .. hah!

been eating and shisha-ing..

despite being a glut i still go trekking and cycling okie! that's Pulau Ubin u see down there.. really nice ya.. hehe .. great weather (well, not really, it rained actually.. ) , great terrain, great company... its GREAT!

seee... so doing nothing really isnt doing nothing..

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