Saturday, November 11, 2006

Humour me !

(i) what happened to letting the cat out of the bag?

hur hur.. hoefully SPCA dont sue me for abusing the cat.. cos i was just taking the picture.. and it's just a makeshift food holder for the poor cat.. u know.. desperate times call for desperate measures.... so.. the cat was happy with that meal.. check this out !

see! she's a happy black cat! sooo preettyyyy...

(ii) Spot Wally

spot the cricket! cant do it?! lemme help you!

hahahah.. got really tickled when i was taking this picture.. it was damn hilarious!

(iii) Self- Fulfiling Prophecy in Practice

sometimes when i make use of my textbook knowledge and apply to real life, i get this great sense of satisfaction that can hardly be matched.

it really amuses me how people make use of Self-Fulfiling Prophecy to make themselves feel better. like how they would like to believe that girls like throwing themselves at them. OMG! just please look into the mirror!

right now i'll make it clear, im like a fish released into the vast ocean.. i do not need to leach onto a direction-less log.

at the same time it amazes me how stupid some bimbos can be to even listen and convinced by what you've said. she dont even know how u talked me into giving a second chance.. she didnt even know who was the one who couldnt let go after the countless letters..

lesson learnt: when twisting facts, make it sound real, so others spend lesser time trying to find out from the other party.

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