Friday, September 02, 2005

10 years ago...

i was in my little blue and white uniform, playing hopscotch and five stones before the morning assembly, running around the basketball court during recess, and peering into the murky pond water before remedial. That, was my Primary school life. i was not in the best instituition, but i had the best mix of company- Australian, Indonesians, HongKongers, Chinese, etc.

today, we met up for a little get togather, all being 19s and 21s. like every kind of gathering, there bound to be some groups missing, but that did not spoil ours. we had great chats and i've gained alot of knowledge from this social activity. and my world seems to be so minute, so limited, so planned and peaceful, so delusional.

so i've learnt that Alex's (21) hometown is not Australia; it's Papua New Guinea- Cool Shit! and his experiences and how they have homemade shotguns and his encounters with them. but besides the threat, he also shared the nature and greens, and his favourite pastime- fishing. he also offered to play as a nice host when i goes to PNG.

like every class, there will bound to be a joker. this other guy (21) that met up with us today made our primary sch days more colourful. although he is not book-smart, he is streetwise. stopped at N level and enter NS. he is currently working, dealing with foreign students coming into Singapore. heard that he is preparing for his own business and he's getting engaged before this year ends.

and in every typical class, there will be this Loser (19). he is the guy that nobody wanted to play with because people thinks that he is just so lousy. not book-smart either, but definitely can if he puts in effort. currently in ITE but is involved in some MLM business and already has 5 digits in his bank account by his own effort.

lastly, every class has this girl that always jumps around, luagh and be mad. this mad girl (19) is currently studying in NP Business Studies, but she is not planning to haf any sort of business- at least not in the near future. she has not seen the real world, not getting engaged, neither is she working. needless to mention, there is no 5 digit figure in her bank account.

what have achieved in my 19 years of life?

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