Sunday, November 04, 2007

Note to The Wild Rose

Dear Wild Rose,

Thank You for being around, sticking by me for the past 6 to 9 months.
The times that I traveled-light, you were my best companion.
Thank You for taking a breather as I return to this heavily-priced contest.

Also, Thanx for your concern.. But after more than a year, I think I can finally peel myself off the ending point of the last race, and continue running from a new starting point. I would prefer this to be a super-duper-long-distance marathon and not a sprint. Please pray and hope that I will NOT experience the tears-choke-in-throat syndrome, or anything that will make this race a sprint rather than a super-duper-long-distance marathon.

I hope for the best for you, Rose. But do keep me in mind to constantly return to check on me.

This is a request for appointment with you.
If one day you're informed about me missing someone painfully, and crying desperately, please return and be part of me again.

Elbaren Luv

The Wild Rose

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