Sunday, July 24, 2005


The beach looks extremely captivating when the storm is approaching.

The overcastted sky made the clear blue sea looks mysteriously green, with cruises and ships on it, painted against the grayish blue sky. The dark gray clouds moving nearer every minute that ticked past.

The choppy sea and the strong current seemed to be able to swallow the helpless
kayak as foam rushed to the shore. The colour of the sea became increasingly dark as it nears the far end, connecting the sky.

The trees seemed to be dancing unanimously as its leaves brushed against the pavilion. The fallen leaves resembled golden crisp chips being snatched till they break into pieces as the cyclist dashed through them hastily.

The wind combed through my hair as the gentle sun seemed to be fading off every second. Up above, it sprinkled generously on me as I raced past the dancing trees and the stoic pavilion. The hurricane came and swept away my worries. I enjoyed the moment of peace and solitude.

my new best friend

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